Comm-Chem Materials is the exclusive sales representative for ICAR S.P.A for the Australian and Pacific region specialising in the supply of Metallised Polypropylene Capacitors for motor run, lighting and pulse grade applications. ICAR also manufacture an extensive range of capacitors to meet the requirements for specialized applications such as Power Electronics and Power Factor Correction.
The capacitors supplied by the ICAR / Comm-Chem team are designed and manufactured to meet international performance standards according to the relevant international specification and carry full certification from international testing authorities eg. VDE, UL etc. for both P0 and P2 safety categories.
All capacitors comply with the EU directive for the restriction of hazardous substances "RoHS".
In addition the ICAR quality management system is registered by IQNET the international certification network as fulfilling the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. They are also certified by BSI and CSQ
Power Electronic Capacitors
Lighting Capacitors
Motor Run Capacitors
Pulse Grade Capacitors
Power Factor Correction Capacitors
Motor Start Capacitors
Motor Start Capacitors Comm-Chem Materials is the exclusive sales representative for BMI USA for the Australian and pacific region who design and manufacture a full range of Aluminium electrolytic motor start capacitors approved to UL. These capacitors are designed for intermittent use where the electric motor start load requires high initial torque to be available.